I installed three small station signs on the Aberdeen Station building that was the subject of a recent post. The signs are mounted with a 1 mm peg on the rear of the sign. I used a 1.1 mm drill bit after using a scriber to make a small drill centre indent in the plastic brick cladding as a 1 mm hole was too tight.
These signs were white with black as a background to the white lettering. I achieved this by using black paint over the white then carefully scraping away any black paint that got onto the face of the lettering.
I am very happy with the signs and really must get back to the Werris creek Station building. My next mission is to do something about the brick platform edges, I could use the Slaters brick sheet but that would mean a visible join every so often, not easy to disguise.
I have had a thought about photo-shopping some of the brick platform edge that appears in some photos of Werris Creek Station that I have but due to shadows, etc it might not be too good. More thinking required, I am good at that! Don't we all do it when there is something that we are stuck on and don't know how to make a start?
Rain, Rain Go Away and FO
4 days ago
Hi Ray
I have some birds eye views of Werris Creek station for you,When Nick downloads them.
From all different angles.The main roof is interesting !
We took them just lately as we stayed at the Creek while Attending Agquip
Also did the silos from there back to Gunnedah.
I am always looking for more photos of Werris Creek station so they would be very welcome.
Some time in the future I will be working on the Refreshment Room/Hotel as well and that certainly has a complicated roof.
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